Smart Car Cleaning Hacks

Let’s be honest, sometimes it can be hard to keep up with expensive cleaning products for your car. Perhaps some days you could run out of car cleaning products and you don’t have time to go shopping. There is a solution though; you could use cheaper but very effective methods to clean your car. Heck! You can even improvise it. If you’re keen to learn, check out some smart hacks to help you out.

91. Use Makeup Brush To Clean The Vent 

The last thing you want is dust accumulating in your car air vent and making you sneeze whenever you turn it on. The big fluffy makeup brush is an effective tool to remove the dust. It doesn’t even matter if the makeup brush is new or old – just don’t use it with the makeup residue or else you would be substituting the powder for the dust.

92. Remove Pet Hair Using Squeegee 

If you really love your pet, you can’t avoid going on a road trip together. Naturally, pets like cats and dogs can be messy and you have to constantly deal with pet hair on your seats. What’s the magic formula? Believe it or not, a squeegee and a spray bottle filled with water. To remove the fur, just spray water but don’t soak it; then wipe over with a squeegee.

93. Eliminate Bad Smell And Dirt Using Vinegar And Baking Soda 

In case you want to deep clean your car seats or eliminate odor, a mixture of baking soda and vinegar will do the job. However, you have to make a paste out of it, gently scrub the upholstery using the soda and vinegar mixture, then rinse it off with water.

94. Apply Hair Conditioner Instead Of Wax 

Okay, sometimes the wax can take a lot of time to apply. Not to mention, it is expensive. What’s the cheaper alternative? A hair conditioner! If you didn’t know, hair conditioners are made of lanolin which is the same ingredient you will find in waxing formulae. Did I mention it is easier to apply than car wax? 

95. Use Olive Oil On Dashboard

Olive oil is not just great for cooking but it can also work like a charm to make your dashboard look shiny and new. Before applying the olive oil, wipe off the dashboard using a towel. Next, apply light olive oil on a different clean towel and gently rub the dashboard with it. Voila! Your dashboard will be unlikely to crack or attract dust.

96. Cover Cup Holders With Cupcake Liners 

If you’re fed up of cleaning the cup holder, you could find a silicone cupcake liners and put it under the cup holder. The trick is to let the silicon cupcake holder collect the gunk that spills into the cup holder. So instead of washing the cup holder, you can remove the cupcake liner to wash, rinse, dry and return it.

97. Make Your Own Air Freshener

The next time you put your clothes in the dryer, grab the laundry scent balls and find a mason jar to make an air freshener for your car. That’s right! You have to find a lid for the Mason jar and poke holes in it too. Next, put the laundry scent balls in the Mason jar, put it in your car and let the fragrance keep your car smelling fresh.

98. Apply Used Dryer Sheets To Chase Bugs 

Bugs can be annoying especially when you want to wash your car but they keep hiding. Well, you don’t have to sweat it anymore; find used dryer sheets to wipe over your car. Used dryer sheets are capable of removing and repelling bugs from your car.

99. Vacuum & Brush Combo For The Dashboard

Do you see those little spaces on the dashboard that you can’t clean with a microfiber cloth? A brush and a portable car vacuum cleaner could be a perfect combo to suck up the dust. Although, you should make sure the brush bristles are extremely soft to avoid leaving marks on the dashboard.

100. Toothbrush And Toothpaste To Polish And Scrub 

Suppose you want to clean your headlights and deep clean the interior of your vehicle but you want to use homemade products? Don’t go any further, a toothbrush and toothpaste will do the trick. For the headlights, you have to wipe it with toothpaste splashed on a rug and rinse it with water. On the other hand, you could use a plain toothbrush to clean those hideous parts inside your car.

101. Apply Alcohol On Wipers 

A simple way to prevent the wipers from smudging your windshield is to apply rubbing alcohol. But first, you have to clean the wipers with hot and soapy water to remove dust or dirt. Afterward, drip the alcohol on a clean rag or cotton ball and wipe the blade edges.


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